Schedule new meeting

Apr 18, 2023


You can schedule a meeting via the ‘New meeting’ section:


Schedule a meeting for yourself

First, select the type of meeting you want to hold. Then a booking form will open up, where you can see your available time slots. Select the right timeslot. This can be done by selecting the correct day and time in the booking form. In the booking form you can work with different filters:

  • Available (white). There is no block in your 24sessions agenda.

  • Blocked availability (yellow). This means that there is a block in your 24sessions agenda. This can be either a manually entered block or a calendar block if your own calendar is synchronized with that of 24sessions.

  • Blocked video call (red). This indicates that you have already scheduled a video call in 24 sessions.

Please note, you are always able to book over a blocked availability or blocked video call!

Once the correct day and time have been selected, you can enter the customer information. Information with an asterisk is mandatory.

  • Enter the name and email address of the customer. It is possible to enter multiple email addresses here for a conversation with several people (up to a maximum of 5).

  • If necessary, enter the telephone number of the guest

  • If necessary, select the time zone in which the customer is located 

  • As an extra option, you can choose to add a message to the invitation to the customer. Note that it is possible that this functionality is disabled in the invitation to the customer.

After you have entered all the details correctly, you can send the invitation and schedule the meeting.


Schedule meeting for someone else

To schedule a meeting for someone else, select the tab Someone else on the New meeting page. Then, select the right user or group for whom you want to schedule the meeting. If you select a group, it will assign the meeting to someone in the group. If you pick the user, it will be assigned to that specific person. After putting in the person the meeting is to be assigned to, scheduling the meeting works exactly the same as when you schedule a meeting for yourself.

When you schedule a meeting for someone else, the customer will receive the meeting invitation as if this colleague had scheduled the meeting himself.