Meetings overview

Apr 18, 2023

The meeting overview is the place where all your meetings are. You can see both your upcoming and past meetings and you can filter them as desired. 

This article covers:

The Meeting overview is divided into two sections 'Upcoming meeting' and 'Past meetings'. When you are added to a group as a user, you can also see the appointments of your colleagues from the same group (you can switch between the tabs at the top by clicking on “My” or “Everyone”).

Upcoming meetings

This tab gives you a quick overview of all upcoming meetings and allows you to quickly enter the meeting, simply click on 'enter room' and follow the instructions. You can choose to view the meetings in a card view or list view, just select your preferred view at the top right corner.

The meetings are automatically sorted, based on the most recent dates on which the meetings take place. To make it easier for you to see when a meeting is taking place we've highlighted either the time, day of the week or the numerical date based on when they take place.

  • If a meeting takes place today we'll show the date and time as HH:MM today

  • If a meeting takes place the same week we'll show the day name (Monday, etc)

  • If a meeting takes place next week or later we'll show it as DD:MM:YYYY

In either the card view or the list view we'll provide you with the most important details of the meeting:

  • The guest's name and email address

  • Date and time

  • Guest link for your guest to enter the conversation.

  • Guest key for your guest to enter the conversation.

  • Indication of whether the customer has already entered the meeting and if he has successfully completed the media check.

  • Meeting details

  • Meeting type

The indication consists of 4 symbols:

  • Grey question mark = customer has not yet entered the meeting or completed the media check.

  • Orange stripe = customer has entered the meeting but has not yet completed the media check.

  • Red cross = customer has entered the meeting but the media check was not successful.

  • Green checkmark = customer has entered the meeting and successfully completed the media check.

If you want an overview of all the information about the meeting, simply click on the button 'details' of the desired meeting.

You also have the option to add the selected meeting to your agenda, invite a new guest or change the meeting (reschedule, cancel or assign it to someone else). Just simply click on the three dots to open the dropdown.


Past meetings

Past meetings shows the meetings in a list view and shows the most recent meetings at the top of the page. You can simply sort the meetings by clicking on the little arrows next to each column.

In the past meetings tab a quick summary of the meeting is given:

  • Guest name and email address

  • Meeting type

  • Date

  • Average review (if given)

  • Status

  • Meeting details

The meeting status will automatically be adjusted in our system.

  • When a meeting has taken place and both you as a User and your Guest have had entered the video chat room, the status will change to “completed”.

  • In case one out of both parties failed to enter the video meeting room, the meeting will be indicated as“missed”.

  • If one of both parties cancelled the meeting, the status “cancelled” will be shown.