Meeting room

Apr 18, 2023

Enter the meeting room by clicking on 'enter call' in the 'meetings overview'.


When you enter the meeting room, you can: 

  1. See number of participants in the meeting

    • Invite guests

    • Dial-in

    • Stop / start recording*

    • Backgrounds - Blurring**

    • Share your screen

    • Refresh

    • Chat

    • End call

    • Adjusting media settings

    • Mute your camera / microphone

    • Choose your preferred view (grid view or full focus)

    • Choose full-screen

*Provided this add-on is turned on

**Provided this Beta feature is enabled


Invite guests

You can invite a guest in two ways:

  1. Share a link. You can copy the link that allows the guest to enter the call directly. Please note that you still have to send these to the guest yourself.

  2. Invite by email. Enter the email address and the name of the guest, the guest will receive a personalized email confirmation.


This is the fallback option when the customer cannot enter the call or when the connection is suddenly interrupted.

With the dial-in option, the guest can dial in independently of the user in the call. This can be done by one or more guests in the conversation. In this case, the user no longer needs to dial in. The video and audio of the user and any other guests remain visible and audible to the participants who dial in to this conversation.


Screen sharing

Share your screen with guests. Clicking on 'Share screen' gives you three options:


  • Share your entire screen with your guests.

  • Only share what's in the application window.

  • Only share what's on your Chrome tab.

You can stop sharing your screen by clicking the screen sharing icon.

Or click on the 'Stop sharing' button at the bottom of the bar in your screen. The bar at the bottom of your screen is visible to remind you that your screen is still shared when you navigate 'outside' the meeting room.


Please note that remote control is not possible via screen sharing.



If you want to refresh the page while in the meeting room, click the button with the arrow at the bottom of the screen.



As soon as the other person enters the meeting room, the chat is switched on. The chat contains a 24sessions bot that shares the following information:

  • The device by which the other person enters the meeting room.

  • An update on the media check that the other person has started and whether it is successfully completed.

  • The troubleshoot the customer gets to see if he gets stuck somewhere

When a chat message is sent at meeting room 3.0 and the chat is closed, a 'number' appears next to the chat icon to indicate that there is a new unread chat message.


Adjust media settings, mute camera and microphone

  • Click on the gear icon to manage your media settings (video / microphone / sound).

  • Click on the camera icon to turn your camera on / off.

  • Click on the microphone icon to enable/disable your microphone. (This is very useful for meetings with more than two participants where you do not want external sounds to be heard 😉).


Ideal if you want the meeting room to occupy your entire screen. Press the "esc" button if you want to go back.


Mobile environment

In the mobile environment of the meeting room it is possible:

  • To enter the call as a user

  • To chat

  • To share files

  • Mute microphone/ camera

Below you will find examples of what the mobile environment looks like:


Entering the meeting

Chat / file sharing


Invite guest / media settings / dial in


Video room