Inbox user roles and permissions

Mar 24, 2023

There are three types of Inbox users. Each type of user has different permissions.


Account Owner

The account owner is the user who created your organization’s MessageBird account. They are the only person with access to both the MessageBird dashboard and Inbox. The account owner can also act as an ‘agent’, working on and resolving tickets.

The account owner has access to:

  • The MessageBird Dashboard

  • All Inbox settings

  • Reporting

  • The Agent UI

  • Contacts

The account owner can perform several unique actions:

  • Install channels

  • Remove channels

  • Transfer ownership of the MessageBird workspace to another user

The account owner can also:

  • Invite admins and agents

  • Edit admins and agents

  • Remove admins and agents

  • Work on and resolve tickets as an ‘agent’

  • View all assigned and resolved tickets

  • Return assigned tickets back to the queue for other agents to pick up

  • Search and view tickets

  • Search and view contacts

  • Create and edit contacts

NOTE: If you’re a user who has been with us for a while, you and your team might have your own individual logins for the MessageBird Dashboard. When accessing Inbox, you’ll all be logged into the same Inbox owner account.



There can be multiple admins in Inbox. Admins have to log in to Inbox directly. They can’t log in to the MessageBird dashboard. Admins are useful for helping the account owner to set up and manage Inbox. Admins can also work as ‘agents’, working on and resolving tickets.

Admins have access to:

  • All Inbox settings

  • Reporting

  • The Agent UI

  • Contacts

Admins can:

  • Invite admins and agents

  • Edit admins and agents

  • Remove admins and agents

  • Work on and resolve tickets as an ‘agent’

  • View all assigned and resolved tickets

  • Return assigned tickets back to the queue for other agents to pick up

  • Search and view tickets

  • Search and view contacts

  • Create and edit contacts



There can be multiple agents in Inbox. Agents have to log in to Inbox directly. They can’t log in to the MessageBird dashboard. The main responsibility of an agent is to work on tickets, so they don’t need access to the settings or reports that account owners and admins do.

Agents have access to:

  • The Agent UI

  • Contacts

Agents can:

  • Work on and resolve tickets

  • Search and view tickets

  • Search and view contacts

  • Create and edit contacts