Import contacts via CSV file
Apr 7, 2023
Only Owners and Admins can add contacts to Inbox via a CSV file.
Prepare your file
When preparing your file for upload, please be aware of the following:
You can import a maximum of 100,000 contacts
The file must be a .CSV file with commas as separators
Headers must be named: phone, email, firstName, lastName, displayName. You can include custom attributes that you want to include in the contact. To do this, create a header with the name of the attribute you’d like to add. Eg: custom:account_id.
If you are unsure how to format your file, we have an example file available for download at the bottom of the Import Contacts pop-up, which you can also access on this page.
Upload your contacts
Log in to Inbox.
Click the Contacts icon on the sidebar.
Click Import Contacts. A pop-up window will appear.
Drag your CSV file into the blue box, or click the box to select and upload from your device.
Once your file has been uploaded, Inbox will tell you the total number of records uploaded and give you a breakdown of how many contacts succeded, duplicates, or failed.
Click Complete to finish uploading your contacts to Inbox!
You'll now be able to see your newly added Inbox contacts.