Download Reports

Nov 11, 2022

The Download Report feature enables you to export a CSV table with basic info on tickets in a certain time period - day, month, or week.

The record for a certain ticket offers info on the status of it, according to the last event that happened on the ticket.

Table of contents

Download Report feature

Report columns 


Before getting started

You will need:

Download Report feature

To use the feature, head to your Inbox and visit Settings -> Reports:

The available periods for report generation are:

  • day

  • week

  • month

ℹ️ When a report is firstly created, it will automatically be generated at the exact time as requested initially.

Ex.: Weekly report requested for the first time on a Monday at 9 AM, will generate automatically every week on a Monday at 9 AM.

Report columns 


Column Name



Example data/Possible values


ID of the ticket

ex. 0bc2643b-62f0-43a9-be19-0e7a272e121d


ID of the conversation corresponding to the ticket

ex. 073c7cc2-5ee6-4785-8293-7e3ef5d92e2b


Name of the agent last assigned to the ticket.

ex. Katniss Everdeen


Email of the agent last assigned to the ticket.



Name of the queue the ticket was routed to.

ex. Support Queue


Current status of the ticket.

Possible values:

  • new - A ticket was created.

  • enqueued - A ticket was offered to the agent named in the agent_name column in the specific time shown in the timestamp column in the corresponding queue named in the queue_name column.

  • assigned - A ticket was assigned to the agent. This includes:

    • Moved from enqueued to assigned

    • Re-assigned from another assigned agent to the current one

    • Re-opened.

  • removed - A ticket was removed from the agent’s queue because someone else accepted the ticket.

  • agentResponded - An agent replied to the ticket. Does not include internal notes.

  • contactResponded - The last action on the ticket was the end-users reply.

  • completed - A ticket was resolved



  • active - a ticket is assigned and is active

  • pending - a ticket is assigned and in pending status

  • onhold - a ticket is assigned and in on-hold status

  • blocked - a ticket is assigned and in blocked status

  • merged - a ticket is completed and merged

  • resolved - a ticket is completed and resolved manually


Timestamp of the last event on the ticket.

ex. 2022-05-11T10:32:29Z (UTC)


List of tags placed on the ticket.

ex. Support_query


Platform/channel of the ticket.

ex. WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.


Timestamp of the moment the ticket was created at.

ex. 2022-04-29T08:52:45Z (UTC)


Timestamp of the last event on the ticket.

ex. 2022-05-11T10:32:29Z (UTC)


The mood of the end-users voice in the ticket.

Possible values:

  • Positive

  • Negative

  • Neutral


  • I see duplicate reports

Every time you visit the Raw Data Download page and change the reporting period, a new report will be generated right away.

On top of that, based on the period type chosen, a new weekly, monthly or daily report will be generated, too.

To summarize, a change in period will result in a new report for that period being generated.

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