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Untitled article
Setting up personalisation for Marketo
Setting up Fresh Relevance
Exporting an email to Bronto
Setting up the Bronto connector
Branding Sub Templates: Setting Brand Fields
How do I connect to Salesforce Marketing Cloud?
How do I send someone a notable link?
How do I view with images off using the preview pane?
How do I preview my emails so I can see how they will appear in mobile or on desktop?
How do I download HTML documents?
How do I give a user full permissions?
What is the difference between an admin and a non admin user?
How do I create a new user in Taxi?
Who is responsible for setting up our Taxi account and adding new users etc.?
To give a team specific permissions, follow these steps:
To remove Admin rights follow these steps:
How do I structure my organisation into teams?
How do I give a team the correct permissions?
Can I re-add modules I've already removed?
How do I remove modules I no longer need?
How do I re-order the modules in my master version?
How do I build a master version from a built in or custom modular template?
Do I have to use the same template each time for my versions?
How to Manage your Password