Untitled article

Apr 18, 2023

In Taxi, there are two ways you can create an email these are adding a new version and cloning an existing version.

Creating a new version:

In every mailing, there is a Master Version when you create a new version this will be a copy of the Master Version this works through inheritance. You can build out your email in the Master Version add content or make changes and this will take effect in all other versions unless inheritance is broken. This ensures a consistent structure and saves time as you don’t need to rebuild each email.

Examples of why you would create a new version:


You can clone any version in Taxi and see all content, imagery, links and copy copied over for you. Each cloned version can be renamed and saved, ready for you to start adding your new content to (hint: you can set-up a naming convention if you need to, which will ensure each version has the naming structure you require read more here).

Versions should only be cloned when the email you need to clone is not the Master and the inheritance has been broken. If you want a clone of your version which follows the same structure as your Master Version, simply "add a new version", rename it, and your new email will appear in Taxi.

Cloning versions in Taxi means you can quickly and easily build out your email campaigns which follows the structure you need in just a few clicks. This ensures each cloned version has the links, copy or imagery you want to keep, whilst being flexible so that you can delete, amend or add new copy.

Examples of cloning