Onboarding Request

Your Email *

Region *

Scope of Onboarding *

Name of the company to be onboarded *

Customer Website *

What industry does the customer operate in? *

Which Platform will they be using? *

Engagement Platform


Inbox Tracker

Competitive Tracker

Taxi For Email

Connectivity Platform (legacy platform)

What products need to be implemented?



Email Cloud Sending (Sparkpost)

Email on MEP

Campaigns (message blast)





Annual Deal Size *

Was the deal closed via CPQ? *

Please provide the customer's org ID or Sparkpost ID (if they don't have an account yet let us know below and ask the customer to create one) *

Please provide a link to their contract *

Any external platforms the customer would like to integrate with? *

Does the customer have technical resources? *

Provide the email address of the main point of contact for this onboarding *

What is the POC role within the company? *

Description of the customer's use case*

What is the customer trying to achieve? Describe their success criteria *

Was SE involved during the Sales cycle? If so, who? *

Has a Support Plan been purchased? *

Has a stand alone launch/onboarding plan been purchased? *

Has a TAM been purchased? *

If email purchased, has a D12Y specialist been sold? *

Prepaid or Postpaid account? *

Contract start date: (DD/MM/YYYY) *

Expected Go-Live date : (DD/MM/YYYY) *

Flow ID

Flow ID
