I want to connect my WhatsApp API phone number to my Facebook Page (Classic Pages)

Apr 22, 2023

You can request to connect a Facebook Page with the WhatsApp Business API phone number. Once done, you can add a WhatsApp button to your Page, display your WhatsApp number in your Page's 'About' section and create ads that let customers send you messages directly on WhatsApp.

Note: If you only use the WhatsApp Business Mobile App, don't follow the steps below. If you want to connect your Facebook page to your WhatsApp Business App, go to this article instead.

Action 1: Submitting your request

To submit your Page connection request:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook Business Page

  2. Under Manage Page, click Settings

  3. Under Page Settings, click WhatsApp

  4. Choose your country code and enter your WhatsApp API phone number

  5. Click Continue

  6. You can now see the status of your connection request with an option to cancel (if you wish to stop making the connection)


Action 2: Approving your request

If your WhatsApp channel is configured using the standard flow, meaning you don't have access to your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA):

  1. Raise a ticket to our Support Team using this form for approval. Please ensure to provide the following details:

  • Facebook Page Name

    • WhatsApp API Phone Number & Display Name


If your channel is configured using the embedded flow, meaning you have access to your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA):

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Manager > Business Settings and click on Requests > Received

  2. Click Approve to accept the request.

  3. To check if the page connection was successful, go back to your Facebook Business Manager > Business Settings and click on Accounts > WhatsApp accounts > Pages 


Action:3 Enabling Settings

Once the connection is successfully established, you can:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook Business Page.

  2. Under Manage Page, click Settings.

  3. Under Page Settings, click WhatsApp.

  4. Enable Use WhatsApp as action button and/or Show WhatsApp number on Page options