Error code when sending a WhatsApp Template Message via API

Jan 6, 2023

Are you trying to send a Template Message via API but you're receiving an error back? There are a few things you can check before sending a Template Message to avoid errors: 

  • You're using the correct API key. Make sure that you're using a live key. 

  • You're sending along a Namespace ID. This information is usually shared once your WhatsApp channel has been created. If you do not have this information, please contact support. 

  • Template Messages should be approved. Go to your WhatsApp template manager and see if the Template Message has been approved. 

  • There's no error in the template name. Go to your WhatsApp template manager to see which name was set up. 

  • The language matches the Template Message. 

  • All parameters are completed. If you register a message with 3 variables, make sure to add 3 variables in your API request as well. 

If after checking this the issue still persists, please reach out to our Support team via this page  with your API call and API request.