SIP Server & connection details

May 30, 2022

Server List

MessageBird has multiple SIP servers worldwide for you to connect to. Each SIP server offers the ability to connect via a SIP-INVITE request. 


SIP Signaling servers

All SIP servers expose port 5060 over UDP. For SecureVoice we also expose Port 5061*. The following IP addresses are used: 

  • Asia:,, *

  • Europe:,,*

  • US:,,*

SIP RTP servers

Asia: IP-address : : :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
Portrange : 10000 until 60000 UDP Europe:IP-address : : :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
Portrange : 10000 until 60000 UDP US:IP-address : : :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
IP-address :*
Portrange : 10000 until 60000 UDP*These IPs will be used with a POP migration in Q3/Q4 2020.  SIP Usernames and Passwords

Please see below for username and password requirements:

  • SIP username minimum of 3 characters

  • SIP username allowed characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z _ -

  • SIP username is case sensitive


  • SIP password allowed characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z _ -

  • SIP password minimum of 7 characters

  • SIP password is case sensitive


  • Domain name has to be unique

  • Domain name has a minimum of 1 character

  • Domain name allows characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z  -

  • Domain name is case sensitive 


Number format

To make sure your telephone number is presented correctly to the end-user you can fill out your Caller Line ID in the SIP FROM header field. We support numbers in the international telephone numbering format E.164 number format.

The E.164 format

-Must only contains digits
-May not have any leading '0's
-Must start with the country code
-Has a maximum of 15 digits
-May or may not have a leading + sign when used in the FROM header, but MUST have a leading + sign in the P-Asserted-Identity header (see below)

We do support hidden number presentation by using the P-asserted ID header in combination with the Privacy header. You must use the below settings:

P-Asserted-Identity: tel:+31850000000
Privacy-id: hidden

Please note that for the P-Asserted-Identity we only support the tel URI (RFC 3966 5.1.4 global numbers) in E.164 format.

For number presentation and billing we normally use the FROM header unless the P-Asserted-Identity header (which takes precedence ) is present.

Origin-based surcharging

Origin-based surcharging became the standard in several European countries. The legislation dictates that calls from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) are charged differently from calls placed inside the EEA.

The Caller Line Identity (CLI) in the From header will be used to determine where the call originates from, and if a surcharge is needed. Only numbers in the E.164 format are verified. Wrongly formatted and and or empty From Headers will automatically be surcharged with the non-EEA rates unless a P-Asserted-Identity header is present and contains a valid EEA tel URI.


Voice Codecs

By placing calls on an IP-network, the voice message has to be encoded and compressed into digital data, and vice versa. This encoding and compressing are done by codecs (which is short for encoder decoder).

MessageBird supports the following codecs:

  • PCMA (G711a)

  • PCMU (G711u)



DTMF represents buttons being pressed on a keypad. This is used, for example, by an automated welcome menu, like 'press 1 for Sales, Press 2 for Support'

We support DTMF 4733 RFC for sending and receiving DTMF.

You can read our Multi DTMF behaviour with Flow Builder article for more details about how this is integrated with Flow Builder.


SIP Channels

By default, each SIP account gets 1 inbound and 3 outbound call setups per second.

If you need more, please reach out to our Support team via this page.