My OTP codes sent via Email are getting in the spam folder

Apr 19, 2023

If you are using Verify and you are getting started with your email channel, you may notice that some customers are reporting that their OTP codes are getting stuck in the spam folder. This will be due to the IP warm-up period. 

What is the IP warm-up period?

When a new email address is created, it first needs to build up reputation with regular email providers such as Gmail and iCloud. This is called the IP warm-up period and takes approximately 24 hours. During this time, you may see that emails are going to the end users’ spam folders because the new email address is still establishing its reputation with mail providers. 

What can I do about this?

IP warm-up requires a short period of time, but fortunately there are no actions required  from your side as this is something we take care of on our Sparkpost platform. By sending your first emails to your most engaged users, you can help your email build its reputation with the mail providers.

After 24 hours, you should see no emails going to spam folders. If you are still receiving many reports from end users that emails are landing in their spam box after the 24 hour period, please reach out to our Support team via this page with some affected email addresses.