How to set up Email as a channel for the Verify API
Feb 16, 2023
MessageBird’s email solution has the following features:
Works with your own domain and integrates with your CRM.
You can send emails to one or multiple recipients.
Allows for two-way communication.
Content can be plain text or HTML.
Good to know before you start
Get up to speed with email terminology and Channel Response Objects:
ID: the channel ID.
Name: Name of the channel.
Domain Name: Name of the domain.
DKIM: Domain Key Identified Mail, to avoid spoofing.
Status: channel status - action_required, pending, running, invalid.
Created date-time: when the channel was created.
Update date-time: last timestamp when the channel was updated.
How to set up Email as a channel for the Verify API
This article will show you how to set up Email as a channel for the Verify API in three steps:
Ownership of a domain name, with access to the DNS configuration of the domain.
Step 1: Request an Email channel configuration
Login to your MessageBird Dashboard.
Navigate to the Channels page by clicking the Channels icon on the toolbar on the left-hand side of your screen.
Under Add a new channel, look for Email and click Request access. A form will appear.
Fill in your details, then click Submit request when you’re ready. Your request will be sent to the Customer Success team, who will automatically set up an Email channel for you!
Head back to the Channels page. Now, you’ll be able to see that Email has been added to My channels.
There will be an Action required warning next to your new Email channel, prompting you to add the DKIM record found in your channel configuration page to the domain DNS. Click on your new Email channel to go to the channel configuration page.
Look for the DKIM record and make a note of it. This record will be used to prove ownership of the email channel, and to allow MessageBird to send messages using your domain.
Access the DNS configuration of your domain and add the hostname and DKIM record. DKIM records can be expressed as a TXT file.
That’s it! Now your email channel is active. View your new channel and its status on the Channels page.
Step 2: Register your Email channel for two-way communication
To set up two-way communication, you’ll need to register Email as a channel and register your domain too.
Go to the Channels page.
Click on your newly created Email channel.
Fill in the form on the next page. Give your channel a recognizable name, and add your domain name too.
When you’re done, click Install Channel. Your email channel will become active! View your new channel and its status on the Channels page.
After a few minutes, your channel will be registered and both the Channel ID and the timestamp of the registration will be visible.
Step 3: Sending OTP through the Verify API
Before you can start using email to send OTPs through the Verify API, you’ll need to configure the Email channel on our platform as described in the previous steps.
To send OTP (One-Time-Password) via email, you’ll need to select the content type as ‘email’ and provide a ‘from’ email address using the domain name from the previous step.
When you do this, the Verify API will automatically select the correct channel. Email API sends the message to Sparkpost using the Sparkpost API.