How long does MessageBird retain personal data?

Mar 3, 2023

In compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, we only retain personal data when we have a specified purpose that permits us to keep it. Our legal obligations include:


Purpose 1.

Preventing misuse of MessageBird’s services (SPAM, phishing and other fraudulent behavior)

Data. Account holder data, traffic data, and communication content

Retention period. 6 months after the electronic communication is transmitted (not terminated)


Purpose 2.

Financial purposes; obligations from the (Dutch) Tax Authorities and EU MOSS

Data. Invoices and related personal data

Retention period. 7 - 10 years


Purpose 3.

Proof of exercising of rights have been fulfilled. MessageBird must show that requests made have been fulfilled based on the Dutch General Administrative Law Act (Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht)

Data: A confirmation email or closed ticket.

Retention period: 5 years.


Purpose 4.

Provision of services.

Data 1: Account holder data

Retention period 1: Duration of services

Data 2: Traffic data and communication content

Retention period 2: 6 months (SMS and Voice) or for as long as the services are used by the customer (OTT and Inbox, etc.).