FlowBuilder Overview Page

Feb 1, 2023

The FlowBuilder Overview Page is the first thing you see once you navigate to FlowBuilder on your Dashboard.
We are introducing a new version to ease the navigation and the visibility of the status and performance of a Flow.

Old Overview Page

As seen below, the old Overview page contained cards for every Flow:

New Overview Page

The new Overview Page presents a list view approach:

Every Flows list item has quick access to:

  • Status of the Flow (live or in draft)

  • Alert settings

  • Number of current invocations

  • The success rate in percentages

  • A timestamp of the last update performed on the Flow

  • Quick link to Logs, Heatmap

  • and an additional menu with links to exporting a Flow, copying a Flow, Data Retention settings, and deleting a Flow

You can sort your Flows list based on invocation amount, success rate, and last updated parameters.

The view can be additionally modified by filtering based on:

  • Type of Trigger (Omnichannel, Voice, Webhook, etc.)

  • Status of the Flow (live or in draft)

or simply using the search bar to filter by Flow's name.

The buttons to create a new Flow or import a JSON file of a Flow are visible in the top right of the Overview page.

The templates that can give you a good start for your use case are now found in a tab at the top of the page:


We will work on enabling Flow grouping in the coming time, so stay tuned for more updates! 🚀 


📤  Feel free to contact our Support in case you might need some help!