Flow Builder Logs

Oct 24, 2022

Flow Builder Logs are a section of your Flow Builder experience where you can see a list of all Invocations for a  Flow. Invocation counts as every time a Flow has been triggered.

Table of contents

Before getting started

You will need:

Flow Builder Logs Overview

The Logs for a Flow can be accessed by visiting a Flow and selecting the Logs tab in the upper left corner:

or by using the quick link next to the name of a Flow:

The Logs page consists of the following:

  • Searching and Filtering section

  • Invocations status breakdown section

    • Total number of Invocations

    • Number and percentage of:

      • successful invocations-> completed invocations

        • 📝 in invocations containing Inbox related steps, an invocation will be marked as successful only once the ticket created in Inbox is resolved

      • in progress invocations -> invocations that are still being executed

        • 📝 in invocations containing Inbox related steps, an invocation will remain in progress until the ticket created in Inbox is resolved

      • expired invocations -> invocations in which a Step condition has expired

        • ex. a time condition in a Wait for a response step has expired (the end-user has not replied

        • ex. a time condition in an Await webhook step has expired (the webhook was not triggered)

      • failed invocations -> invocations that have failed due to an error in the execution

      • canceled invocations -> invocations that have been canceled before completion by using the cancellation option:

  • List of Invocations

If needed, you can also export your Logs by following the instructions here.

Searching and Filtering

When searching for a specific end user's interaction, or a time frame, use the Filtering feature:

  • Define if you are filtering by:

    • Invocation status

    • Invocation variables

    • Full-text search across variables and failure details

  • And don't forget to hit the Apply filters button to get the desired results:

Troubleshooting in Flow Builder Logs

By clicking on any Invocation, a detailed overview of the Invocation will open up:

The detailed overview of Invocations offers insights into the following:

  • Status of the Invocation

  • Start and end time of an Invocation

  • All the variables present in an Invocation

  • A handy overview of all the Steps triggered:

    • The name and the id of the Step

    • The status of every Step

    • List of variables used in a Step

    • The timestamp of the creation of the Step record 

The information listed above offers details and insights that will ease any troubleshooting you might want to perform. Combined with the Search & Filter feature, you can pinpoint specific end-users, timeframes, variables, and failure causes. Check out how to search through Flow Builder Logs here.

📤  Feel free to contact our Support in case you might need some help!