Export Flow Builder Logs

Oct 26, 2022

The feature of manual Logs export, combined with the Search and Filtering feature, enables you to download a CSV table of invocations from a desired Flow.

Table of contents

Before getting started

You will need:

Manual Logs Export

To export the logs of your invocations:

  1. Visit the Logs page of your Flow of choice:

  2. Filter out the invocations you would like to export:

  3. Click on Export Logs:

  4. An additional menu will pop up:

  • You will see the email address where the export link will be sent to

  • You will be able to select the type of CSV separator:

    • comma (,)

    • semicolon (;)

    • or pipe (|)

  • You will be able to choose which variables you want to export:

    • You can select all available variables, system, and custom ones. Variables listed here are from the invocations visible on the Logs page. This list might not contain all the variables. For specific variables, type in the variable name manually: this is a gif:

    • Once you click on Export, you will receive an email to the email tied to your MessageBird account containing a link and the URL of the export. By clicking on any of them, you can download the CSV file to your device:

📝 Make sure you are logged in to your MessageBird account when downloading the export and have in mind that it might take some minutes for the file to be generated and sent to your email, depending on the number of invocations and variables you have selected.

How to make the most out of your Logs export

Here are some tips on how to get key meaningful insights from your export:

Checking how long an invocation has lasted

  • In the downloaded logs export, compare the createdAt and updatedAt columns

    • createdAt indicates when an invocation has started

    • updatedAt indicates the last event on an invocation

  • The time passed between the two timestamps will showcase the length of an invocation

Excluding unregistered contacts on WhatsApp from your WhatsApp sending list

The error code 302 on WhatsApp means that a contact is not registered on WhatsApp and is not using the app.

To avoid sending traffic towards such numbers:

  • navigate to columnvariable_message.errorin the exported CSV table and filter by error code 302

  • remove those contacts from your WhatsApp sending list

📤  Feel free to contact our Support in case you might need some help!