Automatically detect and translate the language in your customers' messages
Apr 6, 2022
This article will show you how to use a pre-made flow to automatically detect and the language used in a customer's reply, and translate responses accordingly.
A channel from our omnichannel offering
Step one: Set up MessageBird and a communication channel
Before you can set up the pre-made flow, you'll need to make sure you have a MessageBird account and a suitable channel to use in the flow. Follow these steps to get set up:
Sign up for a MessageBird account
Sign up for a WhatsApp Business account, or set up one of our other communication channels
Step two: Connect everything in the MessageBird Dashboard
Once you've set up your MessageBird account and selected the channel that you'd like to use, you can set up the pre-made flow. Follow these steps to be able to understand what your customers are asking, and respond in their language.
Download the pre-made language recognition and translation flow
Log in to your MessageBird Dashboard
Navigate to Flow Builder
Click on Import flow and import the language recognition and translation flow
Click the Omni-channel step to open the step settings
Select your chosen channel by checking the relevant box
Click Save in the step settings
Test the flow by sending a message to your channel!
When you send a message to your channel, you’ll receive an automatic message response. This message will ask you to reply in any of the 54 supported languages, including:
Once you respond in any of those languages, the flow will guide you through more details about using the translation steps to improve customer engagement. Take a look at the screenshot below to see what the conversation would look like in a WhatsApp chat.