Automate the retrieval of call recordings and transcripts in Flow Builder
Apr 7, 2022
This article will show you how to structure a phone call flow that automatically sends all call details to a third-party platform or database once the call has ended.
Table of Content
Step two: Connect everything in the MessageBird Dashboard
Before Getting Started
Step one: Set up MessageBird
Before you can start to build a flow, you'll need to complete the following steps:
Sign up for a MessageBird account
Purchase a voice-enabled number from your MessageBird Dashboard
Step two: Connect everything in the MessageBird Dashboard
Follow these steps to quickly set up a call recording and transcript retrieval flow:
Download the pre-made voice recording and transcription retrieval flow
Log in to your MessageBird Dashboard
Navigate to Flow Builder
Click on Import flow and import the voice recording and transcription retrieval flow
Click on the Phone Call step to open the step settings, and select your newly purchased phone number as the listening number
Save the edits you've made to the Phone Call step
Click Publish to publish your flow
Test your flow by dialing your new number!
Once the call is complete, you will receive an email from Flow Builder that contains all of the following call details:
Call originator
Call cost (in USD)
Call duration
Call timestamp
The voice recording download URL
The transcript recording download URL
The transcript text
ℹ️ The voice recording and the transcript recording can, for now, only be fetched using their respective API methods:
Take a look at the screenshot below to see an example email:
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