How to delete orders and invoices

Jul 12, 2022

When topping up your account, an order confirmation is created. An order confirmation has a 6-digit order number. An invoice, on the other hand, has a 9-digit invoice number such as this: 2020.12345. 

You can find an overview of both orders and invoices in your Dashboard. Simply click on your username in the top-right corner, select the "Billing" menu, and you will find your invoice overview

In this overview, you can delete orders as you wish. Since there is no payment obligation for an order, you can simply delete them if you accidentally created one. Invoices, however, cannot be deleted in the overview.

To delete an invoice, please contact our Support team with a detailed explanation of why it needs to be deleted. Be sure to mention the 9-digit invoice number in your email. We will then pass on your request to our Finance Department. They can credit an invoice for you, if necessary.