Creating and managing users in Taxi
Apr 18, 2023
In this article, we're going to cover how to add a new user to your Taxi account. We'll also look at how to edit or delete existing users, already added to your account.
To add a new user:
Click 'Organisation' from the bottom left-hand corner of your Taxi screen and select 'People'
On the Users tab
Select 'Add New'

3. Fill in the users details
Here you can make the user an administrator or add them to a team
4. Select 'Add User'
To add multiple users

5. Select 'Save Changes'
Taxi will now send the user an email asking them to log in and set their password
You can also add multiple users in one go by uploading a csv file. Read more here.
To manage users on your account:
From the 'Users and Teams' page
Select 'Users'Click the kebab menu at the side of the users name
Here you can delete a user or edit user informationFrom the 'Edit' option you can edit permissions and teams
You can grant or revoke administrator permissions, allow access to the Billing page and create or delete API keys. You can also add users to or remove users from teams on this page
To change the Org Owner on your account:
Only the current org owner will have permission to do this. If this is not possible please get in touch with your customer success manager.
Go to Organisation settings in the bottom left of your Taxi screen
Select General
Under Organisation Details you will see Organisation admin
Select the new org admin from the dropdownClick 'Save Changes' at the bottom of your screen to save these changes.