Built-in Email Design Systems email client support

Apr 18, 2023

Every Taxi account comes with built-in Email Design Systems available for everyone to use. These built-in Email Design Systems have a number of modules that you can use to build your email campaigns. Different email clients support different elements in an email - not everything will display as expected in every email client.

Desktop email clients

These email clients are fully supported by our built-in Email Design Systems.

  • Thunderbird 38

  • Apple Mail 8

  • Apple Mail 9

  • Outlook 2011 (Mac)

  • Outlook 2016 (Mac)

Outlook 2007, 10, 13 and 15 use the Word engine to render HTML and therefore provide a different experience for users. Whilst we have ensured this is as optimal as possible, including increasing support for background images, there are some challenges:

  • Animated GIFs are not supported and only show the first frame.

  • A 20px margin is also displayed around the entire email layout.

  • There is limited control over the position, tiling and size of background images in these email clients.

  • When Outlook is viewed on a high-resolution screen, text and images are sometimes displayed larger.

The affected email clients include:

  • Outlook 2007

  • Outlook 2010

  • Outlook 2013

  • Outlook 2013 120 DPI

  • Outlook 2015

Which mobile email clients does Taxi support?

These email clients have full responsive support, including the ability to change images for mobile, control over text and design formatting and full control over how content is stacked.

  • Android 4.4

  • iPhone 5s

  • iPhone 5s

  • iPhone 6

  • iPhone 6 Plus

  • iPhone 6s

  • iPhone 6s Plus

Non-responsive mobile email clients:

  • Gmail App

The Gmail App for Android does not support media queries, and therefore we cannot provide the full responsive experience for these users. We have built our Email Design Systems using the Hybrid Approach, which provides an optimised version of the "desktop" experience for these users. In Gmail App we can stack columns, and re-flow content to fit the smaller screen. There is, however, no support for changing images on mobile, hiding design elements or changing text formatting.

The Inbox by Gmail app, and later versions of the native Android email app typically behave in the same way as the Gmail app.

The Gmail App for iPhone can behave differently to the Android app but largely has the same issues, and full responsive support is still not available.

Which webmail email clients does Taxi support?

These email clients are fully supported by our Email Design Systems.

All webmail clients are tested in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

  • AOL Mail

  • Gmail

  • Inbox by Gmail

  • GMX.de

  • Google Apps

  • Office 365

  • Outlook.com

  • Web.de

  • Yahoo! Mail

Non-supported email clients

Whilst these email clients are available via Litmus testing, we don't natively support them.

  • Outlook 2000

  • Outlook 2002

  • Outlook 2003

  • Lotus Notes 7

  • Lotus Notes 8

  • Lotus Notes 8.5

  • IBM Notes 9

Outlook 2000-2003 do not have significant challenges, but are also more than 10 years old and see very little usage.

Lotus Notes 7 has significant challenges rendering HTML, and we cannot provide adequate support for this email client without significantly restricting the experience for all other users. Like older versions of Outlook, Lotus 7 sees very little usage.

Lotus/IBM Notes 8-9 have better support for HTML email and an adequate-to-good experience is provided for these users. However their low usage levels, even for our B2B clients, mean we do not focus on them.