Uploading a custom Email Design System to Taxi

Apr 18, 2023

To build an email in Taxi, you can either use one of the built-in Email Design Systems, or a custom one. First, you'll need to build the email in your usual code editor, including the Taxi Syntax to make it work with the Taxi Editor. Once you've done this, you'll need to upload it to your Taxi account.

To upload a custom Email Design System:

  1. Click on the 'Email Design System' tab in your account

  2. Click 'Add New'

  3. Complete the 'Name' and 'Description' fields

  4. Select how you'd like to upload your code
    You can either upload the file, paste in your HTML, or create a Brand

5. Select 'Create Email Design System'

6. The next step is a 'Code Check' if you have any errors in your template they will show here.
You can find out more about errors here.

7. Click 'Continue' at the bottom of the page

8. On the Image Assets page, you need to select where your images will be hosted from the dropdown

  • Leave on remote host: is selected when you want to leave the images where they are hosted. In the HTML you'd have image URLs that have already been hosted and they stay hosted in this way

  • Download from remote host: images would be downloaded and used on the Taxi CDN for Taxi to host. This is also selected if you want images to be added to a zip file on export.

  • Copy images from zip file. If you upload your HTML in a zip file along with the images for your Email Design System then choose this option. On future uploads of the EDS Taxi will remember the images from the zip file so you don't have to include it each time.

9. Select 'Set Email Design System Owner and Guide'
You can read more on Email Design System owners here

10. Select Save & Finish.

11. You can see a preview of what your Email Design System looks like on the Settings page.

Click on Preview and it will show your Email Design System