Setting up mailing name conventions

Apr 18, 2023

If you have a specific structure that your email campaign names need to follow, you can set this up in Taxi.

The email naming convention tool can be used to specify the structure of the mailing names so that the people building emails in your account have to follow them. You can set these at a project, or organisation level in your account.

If you don’t have access to the feature, let us know and we can get it set up for you.

To use the mailing naming convention:

  1. Click on 'Organisation Settings' in the bottom left of your Taxi screen
    Select 'General'

  2. Select the 'Naming Convention' tab.

  3. Click 'Add New'
    Fill in the details and click 'Create'

4. Next, you can start to input fields and dropdowns by clicking 'Start'

Field type Dropdown:

  • Select 'Dropdown' on the field type page
    Click ' Next'

  • On the configure page, enter the dropdown name, label this will give a description to the users when using the naming convention and the options that will be available for this dropdown
    Select '+ Add Option' to add more options 

  • Click 'Create'
    Your fields will then show on the naming conventions page 

Field type Input:

  • Select 'Text Field' on the field type page
    Click 'Next'

  • On the configure page enter the name of the text field, label, length of copy allowed and the parameters 

  • Click 'Create'
    Your fields will then show on the naming conventions page

5. After creating fields you can edit them by clicking on the edit icon in each box
6. You can change the symbol that separates each field by typing in what symbol you want e.g -, _, /

7. To preview this click 'Try it' above your fields
Here you can see what the options will look like when naming your Mailings

8. The screenshots below show the naming convention labels that were created on set up

8. Click 'Save' in the top right-hand corner to save all your changes.

Read Next:
Using mailing name conventions |