Flexible Segmentation

Apr 18, 2023

Taxi for Email enables you to create complex dynamic content within a mailing by using segments that have been setup prior to building your mailing.

Sometimes it isn’t possible to know all of the data points that will be used in a mailing before building or new data might be added at a later date. Flexible Segmentation lets marketers create segments on the fly so they can respond to new data sets or experiment with different variables without needing to rely on an admin to set these up in the backend of Taxi.

Using Flexible Segmentation in a mailing

Find the module that you want to use segmentation with in within your mailing

Click on the segmentation icon

This will then show a side panel with the segmentation options

Select Custom segmentation

This will show additional options to set up custom segmentation for this module.

Input your Segment set name, each individual segment name, input variable, operator and variable value, nested conditions and any additional rules that should be met to display this module.

Segment Set Name - A general name to identify the type of segmentation you are trying to do e.g. locations, gender, loyalty tier.

This can be whatever you need to make it easy to identify and does not need to match anything in the ESP.

Segment name - A name to identify the specific segment you are targeting with the following rules e.g. London, Male, Gold Tier etc.

This can be whatever you need to make it easy to identify and does not need to match anything in the ESP

Input variable - This is the piece of data you are trying to target and must match the name in the ESP. eg. Location,Gender, Age %%[ IF Location == “London” THEN ]%%

Operator - The relationship between the input variable and variable value (eg. equal to, not equal to, less than, more than, AND, OR etc. %%[ IF Location == “London” THEN ]%%)

Variable value - The value of the variable in your data (Eg. London/30/Male %%[ IF @Location== “London” THEN ]%%)

Use the “Add Nested Condition” button to add any additional conditions that should be met within this first if statement.

%%[ IF @Location== “London” OR “Manchester” THEN ]%%)

Add any additional rules to this individual condition using the “Add New Rules” button.

%%[ IF (@Location== “London” OR “Manchester” ) AND @Age == “30” THEN ]%%

If you only want to target this group/segment of recipients then click “Update Module” which will apply your rules to this module. Those who match the criteria will see this module in the email, those who don’t won’t see this module..

If you want to show a module to anybody who doesn’t match your conditions, tick “Add module for all remaining recipients”.

So in the below example, anyone who lives in London would receive one module, and anyone who doesn’t meet this criteria would see a different module.

Use the “Add New Segment +” button at the top of the custom segments module to create a new segment, this will add an additional module that can have a new rule setup.

This will use else if and else blocks so you can create as many different conditions as you need

%%[ IF @Location== “London” THEN ]%%

%%[ ELSEIF @Location== “Manchester” THEN ]%%

%%[ ELSE ]%%%

Exporting to your ESP

When exporting to your ESP, Flexible Segmentation behaves the same way as the segment set and single segment features. Your HTML email is exported with the ESP code wrapped around the modules you have segmented in the Taxi editor.

Taxi generates this ESP code so once you have added the values described above, the email will be ready to export.

This functionality has only been fully tested and supported with some of our ESP integrations. If you notice any issues when using Flexible Segmentation and exporting to your ESP, please let our support team know.