Setting up segmentation for Eloqua

Apr 18, 2023

The segmentation features in Taxi for Email allow modules within an email to be aimed at particular audiences from within our email editor. Filtering to see what recipients in different groups will receive, can be performed in real-time while building the email.

Segment sets and single segments are defined in the segmentation section of your Taxi account. These enable you to set up rules to control which content is sent to which groups of people in your data. They are then applied to any of the modules in your Email Design System to give you complete control of the specific content that’s sent to your customers.

This segmentation is mapped by the connector to Eloqua rules, and this is run when the email is sent. This ensures each recipient gets the content selected for them.

Once segments are defined it is possible to use them in the Taxi editor and to preview content for each segment.

Finally, to be able to export code through the connector, the Eloqua rules for segments must be added. These rules are set per connector. This means you can use different rules between environments, so you can work with different data structures and formats in your different environments if needed.

Rules for segments are set up through the segmentation settings.

In these settings, you will be able to set up segmentation rules in the same way you would in Eloqua.

You will be able to choose what data you want to segment from a dropdown of fields.

This comes from the fields you have in your Eloqua account.

You can then choose an operator, such as equals, does not equal, contains, does not contain etc. Here is the full list of operators you can use with Eloqua:

Finally, you input the value you want to use the operator with. This will be the value of the field in Eloqua.

You can also add in additional rules if you want to segment based on multiple conditions:

In this example, anyone who is in England is a lead and is in the Technology industry will be targeted with this segment.

The way that segmentation works in Eloqua is that the rules and HTML controlled by those rules are set up separately to the HTML of the email. Then these are referenced in the HTML of the email. So when the email is sent, the rules and HTML is pulled into the email and the recipients see only the content relevant to them.

Here is a link to Eloqua’s user guides:

When exporting an email from Taxi that includes segmentation, the segmented modules and rules will get moved from the email HTML to the dynamic content section of Eloqua.

In the HTML of the email they will be replaced by a span tag that references the dynamic content in Eloqua. For example:

<span elqid="83" elqtype="DynamicContent" class="remove-absolute" style="display: block"></span>