Exporting an email to Amazon SES
Apr 18, 2023
To export a version to Amazon SES you will need to select the Project, Mailing and finally the Version you would like to export. You can export from the Mailing level, Version level or from the visual editor. To export:
In Taxi, head to your Home screen
Select the Project that contains the version you want to exportSelect the Mailing
If you are Admin you can select the Kebab menu and select 'Export' on the mailing levelAfter selecting the Mailing you will see the Versions page
Select the 'Export Mailing' option on the right-hand side of the screen under the Exports section. Alternatively select the version you want to export to open it in the visual editorIn the visual editor, select 'Export Mailing'

5. On the Export page, scroll to ESP connectors
Select your Amazon SES connector

6. Select 'Create a new SES Template' or 'Update an existing SES Template'
Fill in the details. If you’re creating a new template note that AWS template names do not allow spaces or special characters. The drop down will show any SES templates that already exist in your account

7. Under the Segmentation section
You can select if you want to export one version or use a segment set.Sending a single version means one of the versions of your email will be used to generate your SES template. A segment set will include multiple versions of content in your SES template (often one for each of a set of different languages). Handlebars code is generated to make sure each user gets only the one version of the content relevant to them.

8. Click 'Start Export'
Read Next:
Using Dynamic Content with the Amazon SES connector | Setting up the Amazon SES connector