Setting up the Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) connector
Apr 18, 2023
To set up the Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) connector, you'll need to be logged into both your Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) and Taxi accounts. You'll also need your Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token credentials.
In Taxi, head to Integrations
Select the ESP Connectors tab.Click 'Add New'
Select IBM Marketing Cloud from the dropdown. This will need to be enabled by Taxi. You'll need to name your connector.

3. Click 'Acoustic Mailing Template Export' to edit the connector settings

4. Add your Engage Server Number
If you don't know it, go to your Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) profile in the top right-hand corner of your account and select Settings this will take you to a page that shows your server number.
5. Paste your Client ID and Client secret
These can be found again by clicking the application name that you created. Adding an Application
6. Add your default settings
Taxi will add this information to your mailings on export. Once your connector is set up, you can choose a default folder for all mailings to be added to. This can be changed on export if required.
7. Dynamic elements
If you use dynamic elements in your campaign settings, you can add those here.

8. Select if you want to set some restrictions for this connector
You can control who can use the connector and also what type of exports users can export. When these are selected you will see the options to the right of the screen where you can add users and teams and select the export types.

9. Next, you can 'Save Details & Exit' to complete the connector set up or you can set up Segmentation and Personalisation for this connector by clicking 'Save Details & Continue'
If you continue setting up you will be brought to the setup pages for Segments Sets, Single Segments and Personalisation. Once these are added choose to save and continue on each page and then finally save details and exit.

If you need to update/edit your Connector details:
1. Head to Integrations and select your Connector
2. A lock will be shown in some fields that contain keys or sensitive information. Unlocking this lock will allow you to modify this information.

Your Taxi for Email account and your Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) account are now connected. The next step is to add your User Account Refresh Token to your Taxi profile so you can use the connector. Every user you previously added in Acoustic (IBM Silverpop) has to complete this next step.
In Taxi, head to Edit Profile
By selecting your icon in the bottom left-hand cornerClick the 'Connected Accounts'
Paste the User Access Refresh Token
An email is sent to the Organisation Administrator containing the User Refresh TokenClick 'Update'
You're now ready to export mailings to Acoustic (IBM Silverpop).