Setting up the Microsoft Teams add-on

Apr 18, 2023

Admin users of your Taxi account can set up the Microsoft Teams integration for your Taxi account. All updates are posted to a single channel allowing teams to easily communicate with collaborators and keep track of email creation events in real-time.

To enable the Microsoft Teams add-on:

  1. Head to Integrations

  2. Select the 'Communications Add-ons' tab

  3. Select 'Set Up' on the Microsoft Teams integration option

  4. Before you can set up the integration in Taxi, you need to create/identify a Microsoft Teams channel you want to post your updates to
    Generate the webhook URL for the channel within MS Teams. More info on how to do this:

  5. Paste the webhook URL into the 'Incoming Webhook' section

  6. Select the options that you want to receive notifications on

  • Email Design System is Published
    This will post an update in the channel when a new Email Design System (EDS) and Brands are created.

  • New Projects and New Mailings
    An update will be posted when projects and/or mailings are created. These notifications will include the creator of the project and/or mailing and a quick link to access the content in Taxi.

  • Conversations

    Updates will be sent to your channel when a conversation has started on a version. When a user is tagged in a conversation in Taxi and they are using the same email address in MS Teams they will be tagged in MS Teams too.

    7. Select 'Set Up Add-On'
    The MS Teams add-on is now set up in your Taxi for Email account