Setting up the Slack add-on

Apr 18, 2023

Admin users of your Taxi account can set up the Slack integration for your Taxi account. All updates are posted to a single slack channel allowing teams to easily communicate with collaborators and keep track of email creation events in real-time.

To enable the Slack add-on:

  1. Head to Integrations

  2. Select the 'Communications Add-ons' tab

  3. Select 'Set Up' on the Slack integration option
    When you select Set Up you will be redirected to the Slack authentication page to allow access to your Slack workspace.

    Note: If app approval is enabled for your organisation's slack, your workspace owners may need to approve the Taxi app before you can continue with the setup. The request will be automatically sent to your workplace owners and you will be notified via Slack when it’s approved.

  4. Once you have connected your workspace you are now able to connect Taxi to a public channel
    If you would like to create a new channel for Taxi updates, you will need to create this in Slack first.

  5. Refresh the Taxi set up page to show the recently created channel in the dropdown

  6. Select the notifications you’d like to appear in the slack channel

  7. Notifications:

  • Email Design System is Published
    This will post an update in the channel when a new Email Design System (EDS) and Brands are created.

  • New Projects and New Mailings
    An update will be posted in Slack when projects and/or mailings are created. These notifications will include the creator of the project and/or mailing and a quick link to access the content in Taxi.

  • Conversations

    Updates will be sent to your designated channel when a conversation has started on a version. When a user is tagged in a conversation in Taxi they will be tagged in Slack too.

8. Select 'Set Up Add-On'
The Slack add-on is now set up in your Taxi for Email account