Using MemoQ Add On in Taxi
Apr 18, 2023
The MemoQ Add On in Taxi allows you to send translations from MemoQ to Taxi directly.
Below are the steps on how to do this:
Create CMS Gateway endpoint in MemoQ
You can find information on this in the MemoQ help centre.Configure the MemoQ add on in Taxi
Setting up MemoQ in TaxiCreate a Parent Version
On the Versions page Select the three dots beside the Parent Version and select Send to MemoQ

5. Enter a Project Name
This is mandatory
Sending one Version:
Select 'Create new version'
When creating individual versions you can name the version and choose the language code for that version

2. Select your language code
You’re able to choose from a list of language codes that are available in your memoQ account.

3. Click 'Save and Finish'
The content that gets sent over will be the copy that you create in the Parent version. For example, you might have a Parent version in English and then add French, German and Spanish versions. These three versions get sent over to memoQ with the exact same content as the Parent version ready to be translated.
4. You can also save these new versions as a version set which will be available for when you create any new mailings.

Sending a Version Set:
Select 'Use a Version Set'
You can choose from all the version sets you have set up in your account.Select your language code
Versions in version sets can have language codes already associated with them, so if this has been set up in your account the versions will automatically have this language code. If not, you can set the language code on this page.

3. Click 'Save and Finish'
This will send the content over to memoQ ready to be translated. Once you have sent to memoQ you will be able to see these different language emails in your account. These will be ready for translation.
Taxi is able to reflect the status of the translations in memoQ to make it easier to keep track of the project progress.
In progress:

You’ll see this when the email has been sent to memoQ and when it has not been translated and sent back to Taxi yet.

You’ll see this when the translation has been completed and has been sent back from memoQ to Taxi.

Translations can be cancelled in memoQ, this is reflected in Taxi when this happens.
Once the translations have been completed you are able to send them back to Taxi. They will automatically go back into the correct language versions that you set up in the Taxi mailing. For example, the Spanish translation in memoQ will automatically go back into the Spanish version in Taxi.
If your versions do not appear in Taxi you can select the 'Fetch from MemoQ' option which will check if any versions haven't been delivered automatically.
This button will show when you select the 3 dots beside a mailing or version.