Recordings functionality

Apr 18, 2023

What is it?

Recordings can be enabled automatically for every client meeting, or started manually by agents themselves. The recording files are then stored on the 24sessions platform, or can be fetched from our API to be stored locally on-premise.

As part of the Recordings add-on, you can also enable AI Conversation Intelligence >

The following recording configurations can be made:

  • When to record

    • All video meeting

    • Only specific meeting types

  • What to record

    • Audio only

    • Audio and video

  • How to record

    • Automated setting: record every video call

    • Manual setting: agents can choose to start/stop recording during a video call

  • Video quality

    • SD (Standard definition, 480p)

    • HD (High definition, 720p)


What is the added value

Why do our customers use this feature?

  • Save time. Make processes more efficient and help agents to save time on writing manual reports of video meetings. especially when combined with Speech-to-text

  • Reliable recordings. The PCAPS technology we use guarantees the security and stable quality of recording data.

  • Improve the quality of your video calls by coaching team members more effectively. Watch recordings of video calls with clients at any moment or location.

  • Ensure compliance. For topics like investments, European law (MiFID II) requires you to log and store client meetings for 7 years.



What are the frequently asked questions about this feature?

  • How do recordings work?

    • When a video call starts, 24sessions collects data from the individual streams (e.g. video, audio, screen share) in PCAPS format. After the meeting, the newly created PCAPS data is assembled into a single file through a transcoder. An MP3 audio file or an MP4 video file is created, depending on the meeting type configuration. Once created, media files can be stored in the cloud or sent to local on-premise servers via SFTP.

  • Can I choose where I want to store the recordings?

    • Yes there are three possibilities, 24sessions can store recordings in the cloud on behalf of our customers. Alternatively, the 24sessions API can be used to export files to another cloud provider. If on premise storage is preferred, we can send the files to local servers via SFTP

  • What is the pricing for recording?

    • Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for our pricing