Setting up the omnichannel widget

Aug 2, 2022

With the Omni-channel Widget, now in beta, you offer customers multiple interaction channels directly from your website or customer portal. With 1 click, they can request an instant call from the chat, start a co-browsing session, or schedule a video call for later. This helps tailor the customer journey toward an optimal customer experience.


This article covers:


Enabling the omnichannel widget

To activate the omnichannel widget,  you just need to open the Add-ons menu in the sidebar, a menu will open, then click on Market. Then, look for the add-on that is named Omnichannel. Click Enable and that's it! You've just enabled the omnichannel widget add-on, well done!


Setting up the omnichannel widget

To put the omnichannel widget on your website, you will need to generate an HTML code snippet to put into your website's code. You can do this by navigating to add-ons and then clicking Omnichannel. 

From there, you're able to configure the omnichannel widget to your heart's content! The options you can choose from are explained below.


In the General part of the settings, you can choose what kind of options the customer has when they interact with the omnichannel widget. You can choose to allow audio calls, video calls and scheduled calls. You can also choose co-browsing, for more information on setting up co-browsing please refer to this article.

If you include one of the options where the customer can request a call, then you can also select if there should be the option to schedule a meeting if there is no available operator, or to just show the message that there are no available operators at that moment.

In the Meeting Type part of the settings, you can assign a meeting type to both the requested audio/video calls and the scheduled calls. If you don't do anything with scheduling, it will be greyed out, but you will still need to fill it in if visitors are able to schedule a meeting if there are no operators available.

Generating the HTML code snippet

When you are done setting up your omnichannel widget, it's time to activate it! You can do so by clicking the button Get widget code and clicking the Copy code button in the window that pops up. Now, you can embed the widget by putting the code in the head of the web HTML. The omnichannel widget will now be accessible on that page. You can confirm this by navigating to the page and confirming the presence of the omnichannel widget icon, as pictured below. The icon will be located in the bottom right of the screen. Clicking this icon will open the omnichannel widget menu.


Editing your omnichannel widget

If you make changes to the setting of the widget after deployment, you will need to make sure these changes carry over to your web page. 24sessions will generate a new HTML embed code after each change. We recommend you replace the HTML code after each modification to the widget to activate the changes on your web page.

At this moment it is not possible to change the text in the widget itself.


Changing the custom company name in the Omnichannel widget

To make sure that the widget is fully customized to your company, you can change the name which is used in the welcome text when the widget is opened.  

You can do this by adding an argument to the embed code which can make your custom name show up in that welcome text. You just have to add the following code into the embeddableRoomConfig:

     companyName: ‘Name goes here',

Replace Name goes here with your own company name, and there you go, you have added your company name to the omnichannel widget.



Making the omnichannel widget open automatically

To make the omnichannel widget open automatically when a guest enters the site, you can edit an argument to the code which will make it do exactly that. By adding the autoOpen argument after the iframeConfig part of the code, you can make it automatically open. In your code there should be a part called iframeConfig followed by two brackets. After this argument, you can add the autoOpen: true argument, like this:

autoOpen: true

That's it! When you have added this, the widget will automatically open upon opening the website. 


Forcing a certain language to be used

By default, the omnichannel widget will switch its language to whatever language the guest is using, as long as it's English, Dutch or French. If you want to force the widget to use a certain language you can do this by editing the widget code by addinglanguage: 'en' in the embeddableRoomConfig.