Dynamic Variables

Dec 29, 2021

Emails can be customized all the way to the level of editing the HTML, as you can read in our email customization article. But to make sure that the right custom data is still added to the email, you can use dynamic variables which will be explained in this article.

This article covers:

Using dynamic variables

Variables populate customised data into email notifications sent by 24sessions. They allow you to create personalised notifications with information for both users and guests about the meetings.

Here is how a dynamic variable looks like inside an email notification template:

Hi {{meeting.guest.name}}

Note: the variable is case sensitive hence the double curly braces {{ }}

Dynamic variables contain information about the meeting and its participants. 24sessions provides you with several dynamic variables to choose from. 


General variables

  • company.name - your company name

  • meeting.id - id of the meeting

  • meeting.status - status of the meeting (scheduled, completed, missed or cancelled)

  • meeting.type.name - name of the meeting

  • meeting.type.duration - duration of the meeting

  • general.hostname - the URL of the meeting. Please note, when using a custom domain use the domain instead of this variable

  • wrapup |nl2br - the post-meeting note left by the user to the guest

  • meeting.description - All other information from the invitee questions and/or personal message when scheduling a meeting as a user

Pro tip: use {% if meeting.isCreatedByGuest == true %} Created by Guest! {% else %} Created by User! {% endif %} if you don't want to send out the meeting description if the Guest scheduled the meeting


User variables

We define users as the hosts of a meeting. Below you will find a description for each user specific variables.

  • meeting.user.name - name of the user

  • meeting.user.email - email of the user

  • meeting.user.phone - phone number of the user

  • meeting.user.jobTitle - job title of the user

  • meeting.user.locationName - address location name of the user

  • meeting.user.city - location city of the user

  • meeting.user.state - location state of the user

  • meeting.user.postcode - location postcode of the user

  • meeting.user.country - location country of the user


Guest variables

The guest variables contain information about your guests. Below you will find a description of each guest variable:

  • meeting.guest.name - name of the meeting guest

  • meeting.guest.email - email of the meeting guest

  • meeting.guest.phone - phone number of the guest

  • meeting.guest.accessKey - access code for guest to enter the meeting room


Date variables

We offer one date variable that can be used formatted to match your needs.

  • meeting.date - date of the meeting

Adding a date object will automatically adjust the timezone. The format of the date can be changed by modifying the date object. Some examples:

  • {{ meeting.date | date('D d F') }} will display Fri 01 January

  • {{ meeting.date | date('D d F Y') }} will display Fri 01 January 2021

  • {{ meeting.date | date('Y-m-d H:i T') }} will display 2021-01-01 23:59 CET

  • {{ meeting.date | date('D d F') }} at {{ meeting.date | date('H:i') }} will display Fri 01 January at 23:59

By default, all months and weekdays are displayed in English. Change the language by adding a replace object to the placeholder

  • {{ meeting.date | date('D d F') | replace({'January' : 'januari', 'February': 'februari', 'March': 'maart', 'April': 'april', 'May': 'mei', 'June' : 'juni', 'July': 'juli', 'August': 'augustus', 'September': 'september', 'October': 'oktober', 'November': 'november', 'December': 'december', 'Mon': 'maandag', 'Tue': 'dinsdag', 'Wed': 'woensdag', 'Thu': 'donderdag', 'Fri': 'vrijdag', 'Sat': 'zaterdag', 'Sun': 'zondag'}) }} om {{ meeting.date | date('H:i') }} uur will display vrijdag 01 januari om 23:59 uur

Click here to read more about date and time format.



When a meeting is rescheduled use the following reason variable:

  • meeting.reschedulingReason - reason why a meeting is rescheduled



When a meeting is cancelled, use the following reason variable:

  • reason - reason why a meeting is cancelled


Important to remember

  • Variables are case sensitive.

  • To include variables in the template always use {{ double curly braces }}.

  • Variables contain no fallback value which means that if a variable does not return anything it will be ignored. 

  • Wrong variables will raise an error when editing the notification template.