Add questions to a meeting type

Dec 17, 2021

Adding questions to your meeting types is a good way to get insights into the meeting or client details. This way your advisor can be better prepared or you could get an insight into what type of meetings people are having the most.

This article covers:

  • Adding questions for a guest

  • Adding questions for an advisor.

These questions, which are added to your meeting type will have to be answered before scheduling the meeting by customers and/or advisors.


Follow these steps to add a question for a guest:


These questions will be displayed on your booking form whenever a guest wants to schedule this particular meeting

Click on: ‘Meeting types’ → ‘Edit’ → ‘Additional options’ → ‘Invitee questions’


Here you will find two required options: ‘Your name’ and ‘Your email’ which you can keep or further customize to suit your needs.


Click on ‘Add new question’ to select the type of question you want to add to your meeting type. You have the following options:


  • Open text answer

  • Single choice

  • Multiple choice

  • Phone number*

In the field ‘Your question’ you can type the question you want to add to your meeting type. You have the option to make this a required question by ticking the box.


For the open text answer, you can set a field validation via regex validations rules. This means you can set what the input field must contain (e.g. a minimal, maximal or exact number of characters). You can also set a field validation placeholder to give a hint to the guest on the type of information they should provide (e.g. ABC-1234)


For more information on how to set these validation rules please reach out to your CSM.


*This option is available only if you have enabled your SMS reminders add-on and it is necessary in order for your guests to receive SMS notifications prior to your meeting.


Follow these steps to add a question for an advisor:


These questions will be displayed on the schedule new page when your advisors try to schedule this meeting type as a planned meeting

Click on: ‘Meeting types’ → ‘Edit’ → ‘Additional options’ → ‘Scheduling fields’


Click on ‘Add new question’ to select the type of question you want to add to your meeting type. You have the following options:


  • Open text answer

  • Single choice

  • Multiple choice

In the field ‘Your question’ you can type the question you want to add to your meeting type. You have the option to make this a required question by ticking the box.


For the open text answer, you can set a field validation via regex validations rules. This means you can set what the input field must contain (e.g. a minimal, maximal or exact number of characters). You can also set a field validation placeholder to give a hint to the guest on the type of information they should provide (e.g. ABC-1234)


For more information on how to set these validation rules please reach out to your CSM.